Specialization Sustainability & Urban Development

I shape the future sustainably.

I am learning to shape a sustainable future for everyone!

An integral understanding and holistic practice of sustainability go far beyond “green” lifestyles or short-lived hypes. Sustainability combines ecology, geographies, cities, architecture, technologies and politics, and therefore also social and cultural values.

Based on sustainability as an integral approach that combines ecological, economic, social and cultural aspects, you will reassess the meaning of prosperity in relation to the “limits to growth”. You apply concepts such as “green growth”, “degrowth” and “postgrowth”.

You will also learn how the practice of sustainability can be applied to urban development, including the redesign of urban landscapes or ‘transition towns’. You will analyze interaction dynamics and agendas of relevant actors, identify conflict patterns and examine strategies of acceptance.

Finally, you will critically analyze concepts such as “Smart City” and “Regional Clusters” and their conflict-laden global, political and economic environment. You will learn to “manage” sustainability-related complexities, conflicts and cross-sectoral innovation networks and their socio-spatial ties. By comparing urban business models and practices, you will be able to evaluate their contribution to a resilient, low-carbon, socially inclusive and democratic society.

Overall, you will not only learn to analyze sustainability in its various facets, but also to contribute to integral and transformative sustainable development with empathy and responsibility.

Contact Specialization Sustainability & Urban Development

Prof. Dr. Wendelin Küpers

The specialization “Sustainability & Urban Development” can be chosen by students of both Master’s programs at Karlshochschule:

Tobias Hess, Management (M.A.)

The focus on “Sustainability” is perfect for anyone interested in this forward-looking topic. After all, everything will be linked to sustainability in the future.

Tobias Hess, Management (M.A.)

Specialization Specialization Sustainability – Everything at a glance

Application deadline

EU: Sept. 1, non-EU: July 15 or later, depending on the visa process of the home country

Start of studies


Duration of study

4 semester

Tuition fee

EU: 790 € / month
Non-EU: 1090 € / month

ECTS points


Teaching language



Thursday evening, Friday to Saturday lunchtime (and block seminars)

Sustainability & Urban Development: Master modules

The specialization “Sustainability & Urban Development” not only prepares you to shape the world you dream of, but also complements the core modules from your chosen Master’s program in an inter- and transdisciplinary framework. Bringing together and integrating different perspectives is one of the strengths of the degree programs at Karlshochschule.

Are you interested in “Sustainability & Urban Development”? Then choose one of the other six holistic specializations to combine with your core modules and this specialization. You design your studies yourself!

Specialization Sustainability & Urban Development – Structure first year – 60 ECTS

  • 5 ECTS – Approaching Sustainability
  • 5 ECTS – Specialization II
  • 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
  • 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
  • 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
  • 5 ECTS – Personal Skills / Leadership Capabilities
  • 5 ECTS – Sustainable Urban Development: Conflict & Acceptance
  • 5 ECTS – Specialization II
  • 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
  • 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
  • 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
  • 5 ECTS – Personal Skills / Leadership Capabilities

Specialization Sustainability & Urban Development – second year – 60 ECTS

  • 5 ECTS – Sustainable Glocal Development: Transition & Transformation
  • 5 ECTS – Specialization II
  • 5 ECTS – Personal Skills / Leadership Capabilities
  • 5 ECTS – Personal Skills / Leadership Capabilities
  • 5 ECTS – Personal Skills / Leadership Capabilities
  • 5 ECTS – Personal Skills / Leadership Capabilities
  • 3 ECTS – Research Colloquium
  • 22 ECTS – Master Thesis incl. its Defense
  • 5 ECTS – Personal Skills / Leadership Capabilities