Prof. Dr. Wendelin Küpers

An der Hochschule seit

  • 01. September 2013

Schwerpunkt Lehrtätigkeit

  • Leadership & Organization, Studies and practice
  • General Management and Leadership
  • Leading Others: Power, Conflict and Negotiation (Master study program Social TransFormation)
  • Research Colloquium for Master study program
  • Special Issue: Transformative Research Project
  • Introduction into political Philosophy
  • Ethics in Practice and Interdisciplinary subjects, Sustainability Development


  • General Management/Leadership Master Management, Master Social TransFormation including modules on business analysis, business transformation, strategy as practice, aesthetics and ethics in leadership and leading others: Power, Conflict and Negotiation
  • Introduction to Scientific Work and Empirical Social and Business Research (Research Colloquium Master program)
  • Practical Philosophy & Strategic Practice (Bachelor program „Politics, Philosophy and Economics“)
  • Special Issue: Transformative Research Project
  • Sustainability Development

Forschungsinteressen und -felder

  • Phenomenology and cross-disciplinary, qualitative research on organization and management/leadership
  • Embodied, emotional, and aesthetic dimensions of organizational life-worlds and management/leadership practice
  • Implicit knowing and learning & creative practices in organizations and its management/leadership
  • Theory and practice of integral and responsible forms of organizing and managing/leading
  • Practical wisdom in organizations and leadership as well as economy and society

Akademische Aus- und Weiterbildung

  • Associate Professor at ICN – ARTEM, Nancy, Frankreich
  • Associate Professor at the School of Management, Massey University, Auckland/New Zealand
  • Senior Lecturer Fernuniversität (Distance University) Hagen, German
  • Post-Doc Research Associate at the University of St. Gallen/Switzerland
  • Doctorate at the University of Witten/Herdecke, degree: Dr. rer. pol. honorary
  • Studies in economic sciences at the University of Witten/Herdecke, degree: Diplom rer. pol.
  • Study of philosophy at University Bochum, Participation at post-graduate College „Phenomenology and Hermeneutics“


  • Langjährige, punktuelle Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen in empirischen Forschungsprojekten
  • FUTOUR GmbH & Co. KG, München
  • Wikinger-Reisen GmbH, Hagen und Reykjavik/Island
  • INDOCULTURES GmbH, Stuttgart und Neu Dehli/Indien
  • Huels (VEBA), Marl: Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann und mehrjährige Tätigkeit

Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte

  • Phänomenologie und „Praxis“ verkörperter, ästhetischer und nachhaltiger Organisationen und Führung
  • „Em-Bodied-MIND-full“Prozesse undWirkungen von Achtsamkeit in organisationalen Lebenswelten und Führungspraxis
  • „De-Sign-Doing: leibliches und kunstvolles Design(en) & „materio-sozio-kulturelle“ Zwischen-Praktiken nachhaltiger Organisationen und Führung
  • „AestEthics“Möglichkeiten integraler, ethischer und ästhetischer Prozesse und Formen praktischer Weisheit in responsiven und verantwortlicher Organisation und Führung


  • Conference Convenor, (EURAM, EGOS, CMSRethinking Management)
  • Herausgeber von „The Practical Wisdom in Leadership and Organization Series„, Gower Ashgate, Routledge
  • Sektionsherausgeber für „Handbook of Practical Wisdom in Business and Management“, Barry Schwartz, Caleb Bernacchio, César González-Cantón and Angus Robson, eds) in Series, „International Handbooks in Business Ethics“, Springer
  • Mitherausgeber „Integral Review
  • Mitherausgeber und Leiter des Deutschen Büros „Integral Leadership
  • Mitherausgeber „Organizational Aesthetics
  • Wissenschaftlicher Beirat des Instituts für Integrale Studien (IFIS)
  • Mitglied Advisory Board „Social Responsibility Council“ (SRC), New Delhi, Indien
  • Gründungsmitglied „Ethik und Verantwortung in der Arbeitswelt“ e.V.
  • Gutachter für „European Science Foundation“, Straßburg, Frankreich
  • Mitglied des „Centre Eurpéen de Recherche en Économic Financière et Gestion des Entreprises“ (CEREFIGE), Université de Lorraine, Nancy, Frankreich
  • Mitglied of „International Research Chair in Art and Sustainable Enterprise“ (IRCASE), ICN – ARTEM, Nancy, Frankreich
  • Mitglied Editorial Board „Organisational Aesthetics“
  • Gutachter wissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften: „Academy of Management Learning & Education“, „Business Ethics: A European Review“, „Consumption Markets & Culture“, „Culture and Organization“, „Human Relations“, „Integral Review“, „International Journal of Management Reviews“, „Journal of Business Ethics“, „Journal for Cleaner Production“, „Journal of Management Inquiry“, „Journal of Organizational Behavior“, „Leadership“, „Leadership and Organization Development Journal“, „Management Learning“, „Organization Studies“, „Organization Management Journal“, „Organizational Aesthetics“, „Scandinavian Journal of Management“, „Studies in Communication Sciences“, „Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft“, „Zeitschrift für Organisations-Entwicklung“
  • Buchgutachter für Routledge und Emerald
  • Associate editor of the journal „Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility“

Weitere Angaben


  • Aesthetics Creativity & Organization Research Network (ACORN)
  • Academy of Management (AoM)
  • Critical Management Studies (CMS)
  • European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS)
  • European Business Ethics Network (EBEN)
  • European SPES Institute – Spirituality in economics and society
  • EMONET, Emotion Net-work
  • European Academy of Management (EURAM)
  • Institut für Integrale Studien (IFIS)
  • Integral Leadership Council
  • International Leadership Association (ILA)’s Followership Research Community
  • Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS)
  • Strategy as Practice Network (SAP)
  • Visiting Research Fellow, Imagination Laboratory    

Auszeichnungen und Stipendien

  • Diplom-Abschluss mit Auszeichnung in „Economics & Business Administration“ an der Universität Witten/Herdecke
  • Promotionsstipendium Dörken Stiftung, Herdecke
  • Post-Doktorandenstipendium Thyssen-Stiftung, Köln
  • Forschungsförderung Grundlagenfonds, Universität St. Gallen/Schweiz
  • Marie-Curie Fellowship, Europäische Kommission, Brüssel/Belgien
  • „Key Reading“-Beitrag in der Emerald Management Reviews Datenbank: Küpers, W. (2005): Embodied Implicit and Narrative Knowing in Organisations. In: Journal of Knowledge Management, Volume 9, No 6, 2005, 113-133.
  • Nominierung für den „Johnson Award“ als „Best Papers in Ethics and Accountability in Public Service“ durch das Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership an der Graduate School of Public and International Affairs der University of Pittsburgh/USA: Küpers, W. and Weibler, J. (2008). Inter-Leadership – Why and How to Think Leader- and Followership Integrally, Leadership, Vol. 4(4): 443–47.
  • Nominierung und Zertifikat als „Lecturer of the year (LOTY)“, Massey University, Auckland/Neuseeland (2013)
  • Erasmus+ STA Mobility grant (2014/2015)


Über folgende Links können einige der Publikationen direkt erreicht werden:

Research Gate



Buchkapitel (Auswahl)

  • (2023) “Phenomenology and Management & Organisations”, In:  Encyclopaedia of Critical Management Studies. In: Ödül Bozkurt, Rachael Finn, Edward Granter, Arun Kumar, Carolyn Hunter, Nina Kivinen, Leo McCann and Brian Wierman, (eds.) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (in preparation).
  • (2023) “Culture and Context of Wisdom (‘Weisheit’) and Wise Leadership Practice in the German-speaking World”, In: ‘Global Wisdoms for Sustainable Leadership Impact:  Insights from Decoding Cultural Enigmas’, Eric H. Kessler & Diana J. Wong-MingJi (eds), Cheltenham: U.K.: Edward Elgar (forthcoming).
  • (2023) (with Urs Jaeger and José Pablo Valverde) “Methodological Resilience: Designing research to explore social inclusion in informal markets in Latin America”, In: Stephen Sinclair and Simone Baglioni, (Eds.) Handbook of Social Innovation and Social Policy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming).
  • (2023) „Werte und Praktische Weisheit für eine integrale und verantwortlich-responsive Führungs- und Organisations-Praxis“, Capistran, A. Klostermann, G. Küpers, W. & Salfeld, A, (Eds). Ethik und Verantwortung in der Arbeitswelt (forthcoming).
  • (2022) “Post-Phenomenology – Integrating enfleshed Prâxis, Practices, Phrónêsis and Sustainable Action for organising and embodied living common(ing) and commonviviality”,François-Xavier de Vaujany, Jeremy Aroles and Mar Pérezts “Phenomenologies and Organisation Studies: Problematising management and organszing as appearing and appearances” (577-603), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • (2022) “Between face to face and inter-face – Embodiment and the dynamics of subconsiousness in organisation in digital enframement“ („Zwischen Face to Face und InterFace – Leiblichkeit und die Dynamiken des Unbewussten in Organisationen im Digitalen Gestell“), In: Marlies W. Fröse, Annemarie Bauer & Jörg Seigies (Eds) Unbewusste Dynamiken in Organisationen“ Gießen: Psychosozial Verlag.
  • (2022) (with Chris Howard) “Steps Towards a Critical Posthuman Anthropology”, In: Stefan Herbrechter, et al (Eds). Handbook of Critical Posthumanism, Houndmills: Palgrave/Springer.
  • (2021) (with Stephan Sonnenburg) “Being t/here – Apart (but) together:  Co-creative working in real-virtual inter-places” For “The Metamorphosis of Organisational Space in Cultural and Creative Sectors” edited by Federica De Molli & Marilena Vecco, Routledge Series on “State of the Art in Business Research, (53-66), London: Routledge.
  • (2021) “(Re-)embodied Digital Education Practices: Empirical Vignettes About Teaching and Learning in ‘Tele-co-presences’”, Stephen Loftus & Anne Kinsella (eds.), Embodiment and Professional Education: body, practice, pedagogy, (183-196) New York: Springer.
  • Küpers, W. (2020). “Embodied Inter-Practices in Resonance as New Forms of Working in Organisations”, in Aroles, J., Dale, K. & de Vaujany, F. (2020). Experiencing the New World of Work, (pp. 13-38), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Küpers, W. (2020). “From Anthropocene to Ecocene―Eco-Phenomenological Perspectives on Embodied, Anthro-decentric Transformations towards Enlivening Practices of Organising Sustainably. In Pasi Heikkurinen, Toni Ruuska, Anu Valtonen and Outi Rantala (eds). Time and Mobility after the Anthropocene, MDPI.
  • Küpers, W. (2020). “Cultivating Sustainable Organizational Bodies by Embodied and Playful Learning as an ‘Inter-Practice’”, in Minisri, Kamel & Schulz, Klaus (eds), Pathways to Connect Creativity and Sustainable Development, (119-142), Nancy: PUN – Presses Universitaires de Nancy, Edition Collection: Organizations in Action.
  • Küpers, W. (2019). (with C. Howard) “Phenomenological anthropology of interactive travel: mediated responsivity and inter-placed mobilities, in: Tourism and embodiment, Advances in Anthropology, eds C. Palmer & H. Andrews (203-218), London: Routledge.
  • Küpers, W. (2019). “Post-Pandoran Hope for Moving Wisely, Beyond the Neo-Promethean Anthropocene, in Monika Kostera & Daniel Ericsson (eds) Organizing hope, Narratives for a Better Future. (chapter 7) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
  • Küpers, W.  (2019). “Merlin as Tale of Practical Wisdom” in: Küpers, W. & Statler, M. (eds), “Tales of Wisdom in Business and Leadership”, New York: Routledge (forthcoming).
  • Küpers, W. (2017). “Introduction: Contexts and Complexities of Wisdom Learning in Management and Business Education”, Küpers, W. & Gunnlaugson, O. (eds), Wisdom Learning: Perspectives on Wising-Up Management & Business Education. London: Routledge, 1-38
  • Küpers, W. (2017). “Embodied Aesth-Ethics for Developing Practical Wisdom in Management Education/Learning, Küpers, W. & Gunnlaugson, O. (eds), Wisdom Learning: Perspectives on Wising-Up Management & Business Education, London: Routledge, 272-311
  • Küpers, W. (2017). “The embodied Inter-Be(com)ing of Spirituality. The in-between as spiritual sphere in practically wise organizations”; Sharda Nandram (ed) Managing VUCA by an Integrative Self-Managed way: Enhancing Integrating Simplification Theory. London: Springer, 229-247.
  • Küpers, W. Sonnenburg, S. & Zierold, M. (2017). “Introduction: ReThinking Management?!“, In: Küpers, W., S. Sonnenburg & M. Zierold (2015) “Re-Thinking Management. Berlin: Springer, 11-30
  • Küpers, W. (2016). “Modelle der Dienstleistungsqualität“, Michael Ketting, Raimund Pfundtner & Hans-Dieter Zollondz, (Hrsg.) Lexikon des Qualitätsmanagements, München/Wien: Oldenbourg,707-712.
  • Küpers, W. (2016). “Qualität als philosophischer Begriff“, Michael Ketting, Raimund Pfundtner & Hans-Dieter Zollondz, (Hrsg.) Lexikon des Qualitätsmanagements, München/Wien: Oldenbourg, 875-882.
  • Küpers, W. (2016). “Qualität als Beziehungsereignis“, Michael Ketting, Raimund Pfundtner & Hans-Dieter Zollondz, (Hrsg.) Lexikon des Qualitätsmanagements, München/Wien, Oldenbourg, 863-867.
  • Küpers, W. (2015). „De-+-Touring through „Inter-Place“. In: Sonnenburg, S. and Wee, D. (eds.): Touring Consumption, Series Management-Culture-Interpretation, Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Küpers, W. (2015). „Zur Kunst praktischer Weisheit in Organisation und Führung. Die Relevanz von Emotion und Intuition für eine integrale Weisheitspraxis„. In: Fröse, M. und Kaudela-Baum, S. (Hrsg.): High Touch – Emotionen und Intuitionen in Führung und Management, Berlin: Springer, 65-98.

Artikel in Fachzeitschriften (Peer-reviewed)

  • (2023) “Ethics and Temporality: Moral Practices and Ethical Issues Related to Time in Organisations” Special issue, edited by Wendelin Küpers, E. Gunter Schumacher & David Wasieleski, ‘Journal of Business Ethics’ (forthcoming). ABS3, Quartile:Q1, ABDC: A
  • (2023) “En-Fleshed Practicing in Organisations Flesh as Elemental Carnality and Formative Medium for Organising Sustainability Development, ‘Phenomenology & Practice’ Vol 17, 2 (forthcoming).
  • (2022) (with Yves Habran and Jean Weber). “Careful Vulner-Ability in responsive, caring practices and relationships“, ‘Social Science & Medicine’ (under review). ABS4, Quartile:Q1, ABDC: A
  • (2022) (with Kamel Minsri) “The Role of Embodied, Living Ethos in relation to Pathos and Logos for Integral ‘Aesth-Ethical’ and Wise Practices’’, ‘Management Communication Quarterly’ ABS 2 (under review). ABS2, ABDC: B
  • (2022) (with Paul Shrivastava) “Embodied Leverage Practices for Sustainable Development in Organisations”, ‘InternationalJournal of Sustainability in Higher Education’ (under review).
  • (2022) (with Jeremy Aroles) “Flânerie as a methodological practice for explorative re-search in digital worlds”, ‘Culture and Organization’, 02. 1-14. ABS2, Q1, ABDC: B
  • (2022) (with David Pauleen, Ali Intezari) “Wise relational management: Tai Chi Chuan as an exemplar of embodied and balanced responsiveness”, ‘Scandinavian Journal of Management’, Vol 38, (3), 09. 2022. ABS2, Quartile:Q1, ABDC: B
  • (2021) “Trans-Formational Qualities of the Dys-&-Functional —The interplay of the questioning Senses of Real,  the quest for a Sense of the Possible and enacting a Sense of the Doable – Non-linear perspectives on spiralling moves”, Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), Special Issue Arts et organisations : des individus aux structures, la dimension esthétique inséparable du politique Philippe, Mairesse; Géraldine, Schmidt; Yoann, Bazin Volume XXVI, Numéro 71, 13-36.
  • Küpers, W. (2021) “Trans-Formational Qualities of the Dys-&-Functional —The interplay of the questioning Senses of Real,  the quest for a Sense of the Possible and enacting a Sense of the Doable – Non-linear perspectives on spiralling moves”, Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), Special Issue Arts et organisations : des individus aux structures, la dimension esthétique inséparable du politique Philippe, Mairesse; Géraldine, Schmidt; Yoann, Bazin Volume XXVI, Numéro 67 (forthcoming).


  • Küpers, W. (2020) (with David Pauleen) Series Editor’ Preface for “Practical Wisdom, Leadership and Culture: Asian, Indigenous and Middle-Eastern Perspectives” edited by Ali Intezari, Chellie Spiller and Shih-ying Yang , in “The Practical Wisdom in Leadership and Organization Series”, London: Routledge.
  • Küpers, W. (2019)      Series Editor’ Preface for “Wisdom, Analytics and Wicked Problems Integral Decision Making for the Data Age edited by Ali Intezari & David Pauleen, in “The Practical Wisdom in Leadership and Organization Series”, London: Routledge.
  • Küpers, W. (2016)      (with David Pauleen), Series Editors’ Preface for book “Practical Wisdom in the Age of Technology. Insights, issues, and questions for a new millennium”, edited by Nikunj Dalal, Ali Intezari, Marty Heitz, “The Practical Wisdom in Leadership and Organization Series”, London: Routledge.

Sonstige Veröffentlichungen und Manuskripte / Working Paper


  • Küpers, W. (2019). “From Anthropocene to Eco-cene? – Perspectives on embodied transformations towards enlivening practices in organisations”, for EGOS Conference, Sub-theme 67: Critical Organizational Anthropocene Studies, Edinburgh.
  • Küpers, W. (2019). “Embodied Leverage Practices for Sustainable Development in Organisations”, paper for presentation at conference Leverage Points, Leuphania University, Lüneburg, Germany.
  • Küpers, W. (2018). “Practices for Organizing Sustainable Praxis“ interactive paper for presentation, 12, 2018, ANZAM, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Küpers, W. (2018). “Phenomenology of Embodied New Work Practices”, Key-Note Speech for the 2nd International Workshop “Phenomenology & New Work Practices” Université PSL-Paris Dauphine, DRM – Management & Organisation (01. 06. 2018).
  • Küpers, W.  (2018). “Inter-Prâxis – Integrating Prâxis, Practice, Phronesis for enacting Transformative Sustainable Development”, Paper for EURAM 2018,  Stream 01.02.S Business for Society as a living project, (Best Paper Nominee), Reykjavik, Iceland
  • Küpers, W. (2017). “Cultivating Sustainable Organizational Bodies by Embodied and Playful Learning as an ‘Inter-Practice’” for ARTEM conference sub-stream: Connecting creativity and sustainability via human body: Re-creating creative and sustainable organizational bodies through body-based management learning, 09, 2017, ICN, Nancy.
  • Küpers, W. (2017). “En-Fleshed Inter-Practices’ for more Sustainable Organisational Life-Worlds”, paper for ‘CARNE – Flesh and Organization’ 5th  Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, 07 2017, Universita’ degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Rome.
  • Küpers, W. (2017). “The Role of Embodied Ethos for an Integral ‘Aesth-Ethical’ and Wise Practices & Praxis in Organisations”, paper for EGOS, Sub-theme 12: Being Good or Looking Good? Interrogating the Contradictions and Tensions in Organizational Ethics 07. 2017, Copenhagen.
  • Küpers, W. (2017)     “Embodied Re-Design for Sustainability Development – From Design Thinking towards an Design Doing, paper for presentation at workshop on design thinking and sustainability, in connection to ‚SaM‘ research project.05. 2017, Leuphana University, Lüneburg
  • Küpers, W. (2017)     “Embodied (Inter-)Affection as medium for sustainable Leader- & Followership in Organisational Life-Worlds”, paper for presentation at 2nd Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, 5. 2017, Mykonos.
  • Küpers, W. (2016) (with D. Rooney, D. Pauleen, & Todarello, E.). “The Role of Time and temporality in wisdom development for organisations”, paper for presentation at ABEN (Australian Business Ethics Network) Conference, 12. 2016, Griffith University, Southbank Campus, Brisbane.
  • Küpers, W. (2016). “Integrating Sustainable Development and Practical Wisdom as Practices of Organising”, Paper presented at ANZAM Conference, 6-9. 12. 2016, Brisbane.
  • Küpers, W. (2016) (with Rooney, D., Todarello, E., Pauleen, D.) “The temporal dimensions of wisdom development.” Paper presented at Australian Business Ethic Network Conference, Griffith University, 12. 2016, Brisbane.
  • Küpers, W. (2016). “Embodied “Aesth-Ethics for Developing Practical Wisdom in Management Education/Learning”, paper for presentation EURAM-Conference, 1-4. 06. 2016, Paris.
  • Küpers, W. (2016)     (with J. Deeg): “Processing paradoxes through chiasmic organizing”, Eighth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies Theme: Dualities, dialectics and paradoxes in organizational life, 16-18 06. 2016, Corfu, Greece.
  • Küpers, W.  (2015). “Embod-ied Responsive Ethical Practice, The Contribution of Merleau-Ponty for a Corporeal Ethics in Organisations, paper for presentation at EBEN (European Business Ethics Network), Conference, 26. – 28. 06. 2015, Istanbul.
  • Küpers, W. (2015) “Inter-Play(ing) –Embodied and relational possibilities of serious play at work”, presentation at 10th Organization Studies Summer Workshop and Special Issue Organizational Creativity, Play and Entrepreneurship, 21-23. 05. 2015, Chania, Crete.
  • Küpers, W. (2015): Embodied & artful design for a creative and sustainable practice in organisations and leadership. Paper for presentation at ARTEMOCC, 1st ARTEM Organizational Creativity international Conference, „Rethinking Paths on Creativity and Sustainability“, ICN Business School Nancy, 26-27 March 2015.
  • Küpers, W. (2014): „Embodied, artful design for a creative inter-practicing of leadership“. Paper for presentation at EGOS conference, Rotterdam, 3-5. July 2014. (under review for Organiational Aesthetics)
  • Küpers, W. (2014): Inter-Play(ing) – Embodied and relational possibilities of serious play at work paper for presentation at SCOS conference, Utrecht, 7-10. July 2014.
  • Küpers, W. (2014): „Embodied Inter-ruption ~ The potential of art-based approaches for a liberating irritation of the „Sense of Reality“ and  explorations through the „Sense of Possibility“ in organization and leadership“, Presentation at Art of Management Conference, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, 28-31 August 2014.
  • Küpers, W. (2014): „Embodied Performance and Performativity in Organizations and Management“, Presentation at Research Seminar @ „Unpacking Performativity Processes in Organizations“, MINES ParisTech, Paris, 19-20 May 2014.
  • Küpers, W. (2014): The „Re-“ of Re-Thinking Management, Opening Speech at Conference „Rethinking Management“, Karlshochschule
  • Küpers, W. (2014): „Gefühle in der digitalen Welt“, Vortrag für Salon 02: „La voix humaine“, Kunstverein München, 29. January 2014.
  • Küpers, W. (2014): Ornament as gesture. Merleau-Ponty’s paradox of expression and metaphor of chiasm as enfleshed organizing principle, WOF, World Ornamental Forum, Davos/Switzerland, 18-19. February 2014.
  • Küpers, W. (2014): Aufmerksamkeit und engagierte Gelassenheit als Medien einer Kunst praktischer Weisheit, Vortrag für „Wissenschaft und Weisheit“ am Philosophischen Seminar, Fachstelle für Weiterbildung der Universität Zürich, 3 February 2014.
  • Küpers, W. (2013) : Zur Kunst praktischer Weisheit in Organisation und Führung: die Relevanz von Emotion und Intuition, Internationaler Kongreß High Touch – Emotionen und Intuitionen in Führung und Management, Hochschule Luzern/Schweiz, 7-8 November 2013.
  • Küpers, W. (2013): De-+-Touring Consumption through „Inter-Place“, Touring Consumption Conference, Karlshochschule, Karlsruhe/Germany 24.25. October 2013.
  • Küpers, W. (2013): Embodied Inter-Be(com)ing of the emergence of Novelty in Organization. Fifth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies. Theme: The Emergence of Novelty in Organizations, Chania, Crete, Greece, 22 June 2013.
  • Küpers, W. (2013): Embodied and integral Inter-knowing & Inter-learning in Organising, European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, „Knowledge and Learning“ General Track, Istanbul/Turkey, 29 June 2013.
  • Küpers, W. (2013): Embodied Inter-Be(com)ing as emergent, creative De-Construction in Organization, SCOS – Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 16 July 2013.
  • Küpers, W. and Howard, C. (2012): Somewhere between everywhere and nowhere: Travelling as Embodied and Inter-Placed „Be(com)ing“ in the age of digital Ge-stell, ASCP Conference, Auckland/New Zealand, 1 December 2012. 
  • Küpers, W. (2012): Between Non- and Post-Disciplininarity?! Perspectives on Integral Inter- & Trans-Disciplinary Re-Search, Cross-disciplinary seminar series, Massey University, Auckland/New Zealand.
  • Küpers, W. (2012): Embodied Action Research, Presentation for Academic Co-Creative Inquiry (ACCI) project, Ksenija Napan, Unitec Institute of Technology (Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka) Auckland/New Zealand.
  • Küpers, W. (2011): Sense-Making and Making of Senses in Embodied Organisational Culture, Paper for presentation at Stream: The sense: Embodying Culture at 7th International Critical Management Conference, Naples.
  • Küpers, W. (2011): Embodied Inter-Placing. Paper for presentation at stream on „Topography & Organisation“ at the 14th Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies (APROS), 28 November – 1 December 2011, Auckland/New Zealand.
  • Küpers, W. (2010): Perspectives on Responsible and Integral Practices of Sustainability in Organisation and Leadership, paper for presentation at Sustainability Workshop The Business Case For Social and Environmental Responsibility, Novemver 2010, Massey University, Auckland.
  • Küpers, W. (2010): Meta-Theoretical Perspectives on Integral Transformational Leadership Research and Practice, Paper for Presentation at International Symposium „Research across Boundaries“, 16-19 June 2010, Luxembourg University, Luxembourg.
  • Küpers, W. (2010): Inter-Passion – Embodied Affect in Organisational Life-Worlds, Paper for Presentation at ASCP Conference, Brisbane.
  • Küpers, W. (2010): Dilemma and Paradoxes in Chiasmic Organisation, Working Paper for presentation, School of Management, Massey University, Auckland.
  • Küpers, W. (2010): Processes of Embodied & Co­Creative Inter­Practices as Organisational Be(com)ing, paper for presentation at EGOS 2010, sub‐theme: Investigating Organization as Becoming in a World on the Move, 1-3 July 2010, Lisbon.